I'm doing Science and I'm still alive
I really need a new dayjob
Don’t worry, loyal blag-o-blag readers.
I haven’t forgotten about you.
I’ve just been. Not busy. Not not-busy. In busy limbo, I guess.
The na6 is running great and I’ve been installing all the dumb mods that you do to a miata:
- coolant reroute
- oil filter relocate
- clutch line
- brake lines
Both boats sit in the same place they started winter in.
Pretty sad, they’re going to get some love soon hopefully.
The job search has begun in earnest. The resume canon has been fired several times now. If you’re looking for a nerd to hire, drop me a line.
I’m writing blog posts again.
I’m finishing up one about that chromebook I bought, and I have a few others started.
Stay tuned, point your rss reader here, and keep an eye on the skies.